Founder: Canh-Vinh Nguyen
I am Canh-Vinh, graduated high school in 2014 at Marian College, Sunshine. Currently studying a Bachelor of Biomedicine and is aspired to become a future doctor, practicing good medical ethics. One day I want to be the kind of doctor that I would hope my families and I would meet if we were to fall sick. Since earlier childhood I was brought up around very intelligent people, surrounded by my parents and others who were very selfless and taught me that although we had little, there are people who have much less and we need to learn that only by sharing we can be happy.
During my time in high school, I was privileged to have been apart of several committees that have shaped my views and taught me many transferable skills and empowered myself as a lady in the 21st century. I have had a broad range of charity work commitment that has inspired me to start one of my own after high school, involving everyone in the community, beyond the gates of secondary education. Some of the things that I was honoured to part take in included Marian St. Vinnies, where we sold cookies, and visited nursing homes, as well as assisting in the soup van program. Marian Leos gave me the opportunity to work in a cohesive team and organise sausage sizzles to raise funds for what we were most passionate about. In addition, Marian Leos has created opportunities for me to represent our club in 'Leo of the Year', at state level I was honoured to bring home 'Best Public Speaker' award. I've been a selected nominee for 'Leos Youth of the Year' and also awarded 'Best Public Speaker'. From just a shy, average girl who entered high school and looked at the senior girls in awe I would have not believed you if you were to tell me, I too could be a leader, but with the support of family and friends, teachers and everyone else, I have not only learnt how to be a leader but I also believe in inspiring others to give themselves a chance like I did. Having attended special events like formation day for student leaders and completing my student Leadership Certificate I have learnt so much on what it is to be a leader and how it is not just about yourself, but it is on working together to achieve a common goal.
Along with many other extra-curriculum that I was involved in and had helped shaped myself today, my participation in Marian Justice and Democracy Forum (JDF) has enlightened me of our global issues. Although recognising that it cannot be fixed in a day of two, these issues are worthwhile to be advocated and made aware.
Currently alongside of 'Canh-Vinh & You' I am a proud member of Brimbank Leos Club and am a consistent volunteering staff at a local hospital.
The idea of starting up 'Canh-Vinh & You' is not only my passion but many others have encouraged it when I have put forward my idea. Additionally, my family has been funding these works for many years but only with some support from extended family and close friends. Now, I would like to create this opportunity for extended friends and friends of friends to get involved and for us to help even more people. To embark on such a rewarding and meaningful journey, bringing together likeminded individuals to form a supportive network.
Thank you for your support and I look forward to working with you in the near future.
Kindest regards,
Canh-Vinh Ngoc Nguyen
Some Past Recognitions include:
College Awards:
Marian College Love of Learning Award
Brigidine Award for Achievement and Endeavour
Marian College Living with Joy and Perseverance Award
Marian Strength and Kindness Award
Marian Love of Learning Award
Delany Performing Arts Award
Marian Living with Joy and Perseverance Award
Marian Justice and Service Award
Some Other Certificates and Achievements:
Certificate of Australian Mathematics Competition – High Distinction
Senior First Aid certificate
Marian College Award: Love of Learning
Italian Dante Alighieri Poetry Recital Competition- High Distinction
Rio Tinto Science Competition
Tech angel (operating skills for projectors, smart boards and other technologies)
First Place in Vietnamese language class
Science Competition
Certificate of Australian Mathematics Competition
Certificate of Australian Mathematics Competition – credits (2010)
Marian College 'THE BRIGIDINE AWARD' - for achievement and endeavour
Laboratory equipment license user (experienced)
SPG: Student Participation Group (Class Captain)
Premiers Reading Challenge and numerous student awards (e.g. student of the week… etc.)