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​Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone? It’s a saying that sadly rings very true in many different instances, none more so than once a person is confined to a wheelchair. Suddenly their ability to navigate their way from one place to another is severely limited. For some people, their confinement to a wheelchair is only a temporary occurrence, as they need time to recover from a serious injury. But sadly, others aren’t so lucky, and suddenly have the use of their legs cruelly taken away from them for the rest of their lives.


At CVNU we strongly believe in assisting those who are incapable to being able to walk by themselves. Not only do we believe in assisting those who will never walk again, but we feel those who can walk again require just as much assistance in their rehab which will enable them to walk on their own two feet once again. 


Donating to this project allows for wheelchairs to be bought and distributed through a broad number of rehabilitating hospitals across Vietnam to those that cannot afford it themselves making an unfortunate event in their lives less hopeless. 

Project Wheelchair

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